1. What is JUnit?
2. What is Unit Testing?
3. what are all the annotations available in JUnit?
4. Explain what is ignore test in JUnit?
5. Explain the test execution order?
6. what is the difference between @BeforeClass and @Before
7. what is the difference between @AfterClass and @After
8. can we able to use main method in JUnit?
9. Is it possible to generate report using JUnit?
10. what is the use of annotations?
11. What is the use of @Test annotation?
12. What does Assert class?
13. what is the difference between Assert and verify?
14. What are all the methods available in assert class?
15. Is it possible to group the test cases?
16. Is it possible to re-run the failed test cases in JUnit? if yes, How will you do?
17. Can we change return type of JUnit test method from void to some other type?
18. How will you handle exception in JUnit?
19. How @Test annotation is used for testing exceptions?
20. Which Is the latest version of JUnit.
21. How will you set the timeout in test cases
22. What are different assertions supported by JUnit?
23. How to create and run JUnit test suite for selenium WebDriver? 
24. For what purpose, assertTrue and assertFalse assertions are used?
25. Can you give me example of JUnit assertEquals assertion?

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NOTE: Enter the username and password and verify whether the input data is correct or not by using junit framework.

URL : https://www.redbus.in/

NOTE: Click signin and enter the email and password and verify whether the input data is correct or not by using junit framework.

URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/

NOTE: Give the details and register the form and verify whether the input data's is correct or not by using Junit framework & POM framework.  

URL : https://www.flipkart.com/account/login

NOTE: Enter the email and password and verify whether the input data is correct or not by using junit framework & POM framework.

URL : https://demoqa.com/registration/

NOTE: Create a project in maven and register the form by using POM & Junit framework and get the input data from excel sheet. 

URL : http://www.adactin.com/HotelApp/

NOTE: Book a room by using POM & Junit framework and print the order no generated.

URL : http://www.adactin.com/HotelApp/

NOTE: Book a room by using POM ,Junit framework and get the input data from excel sheet and update the generated order no  in excel. 

URL : http://www.adactin.com/HotelApp/

NOTE: Create a project in maven and register the form by using POM & Junit framework and get the input data from excel sheet and  update the generated  order no in excel.